TKM SURF – A website in English and Spanish about surfing and health

Author: Benji Huntington

  • ¡Ecuaciones de Olas con Einstein!

    ¡Ecuaciones de Olas con Einstein!

    ¡Surfeando con el Cabello al Viento! Albert Einstein se Sumerge en las Maravillas del Surf ¡Hola a todos! Soy Albert Einstein, sí, el de la teoría de la relatividad. ¡Pero hoy no estoy aquí para hablarles de física, sino de la alegría de surfear! Me encontraba una vez teorizando sobre las ondas de luz, cuando… Read more

  • ¡Que viva la revolución del surf!

    ¡Que viva la revolución del surf!

    De revolucionario a surfista: Mi experiencia en las olas ¡Hola amigos! Soy yo, Pancho Villa, el revolucionario mexicano. Ustedes me conocen más por mis hazañas en la Revolución Mexicana, pero hoy, les voy a contar sobre mi nueva pasión: ¡el surf! Sí, sí, no se rían. Un día, cansado de tantas batallas, decidí tomar unas… Read more

  • Epic Metamorphosis on the Waves

    Epic Metamorphosis on the Waves

    “As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed into an epic surfer.” Wouldn’t that have been a way better tale? Nevertheless, it is I, Franz Kafka, the weaver of tales most peculiar and nightmarish. Who would fathom that I, the scribe of the metamorphosis, would find a semblance of elation riding the… Read more

  • The Elegance of Wave Conquest: A Regency Romp

    The Elegance of Wave Conquest: A Regency Romp
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    Contributing writer Jane Austen Delves into the Most Uncommon and Merry Pursuit of Surfing Ah! It is I, Jane Austen, a most unlikely advocate for the pursuit of wave riding, or as the moderns do call it, “surfing.” I find myself verily transported from my usual abode in the 19th century to this most curious… Read more

  • Winston’s thoughts on Epic Waves (Never give up!)

    Winston’s thoughts on Epic Waves (Never give up!)

    Winston’s thoughts on Epic Waves (Never give up!) by Winston Churchill Greetings, my dear compatriots! This is none other than Winston Churchill, your erstwhile Prime Minister and the steadfast bulldog of our glorious Britain! Never would you have imagined that the harbinger of victory against the tumultuous tides of war would take to literally riding… Read more

  • The Divine Waves: Dante Rides the Sea

    The Divine Waves: Dante Rides the Sea

    Dante’s Divine Surfing Comedy – By Dante Alighieri A celestial journey through the surging seas of Paradiso Salutations, fine dwellers of the earthly realm! I, Dante Alighieri, who once traversed the realms infernal and celestial, have now embarked upon a new odyssey — that of riding the divine waves. Whilst I was once a sojourner… Read more

  • Contaminación de Cobre: Asesino Silencioso en Marina Del Rey

    Contaminación de Cobre: Asesino Silencioso en Marina Del Rey

    Un estudio sobre contaminación de cobre realizado por la junta regional del agua ha revelado la extensión de la contaminación de cobre en Marina Del Rey Read more

  • Confucius’s Surf Philosophy: Balance Elements, Seek Harmony

    Confucius’s Surf Philosophy: Balance Elements, Seek Harmony

    Thoughts on Surfing by Confucius Read more

  • Surfing: Epic Escape from Monotony

    Surfing: Epic Escape from Monotony

    Thoughts on Surfing by renowned philosopher, Thomas Hobbes I, Thomas Hobbes, renowned for my philosophical thoughts on human nature and society, shall now advocate for an unexpected pastime – surfing. While my works often delve into the nature of conflict and the need for social order, I believe that surfing, in its own way, can… Read more

  • Surfing with Camus: Embrace Epic Risk, Celebrate Freedom

    Surfing with Camus: Embrace Epic Risk, Celebrate Freedom

    Thoughts on Surfing – By Albert Camus In the face of life’s inherent absurdity and the human struggle to find meaning, I, Albert Camus, propose an unconventional path to existential fulfillment—surfing. Allow me to elucidate why you should consider surfing as a hobby, a pursuit that aligns with the philosophy of the absurd and can… Read more